Septic tank inspections are important to have when purchasing a home, if you intend to remodel or add onto your home, or if you notice unusual issues with your septic tank. Septic tank inspections should be performed by one of our professionals who can properly identify any issues your septic tank may have.
Typical septic tank inspections will include the following services:
- Locating the septic tank itself. If you know where the tank is located, this will make it easier for our team to get right to work. If you are not sure where it is, our team can determine the location of the tank and the drain field.
- Removing septic tank covers. This allows us to examine the interior of the septic tank to identify potential issues.
- Inspecting the inlet, outlet baffle, and partition wall. Each of these valves regulates a different part of the septic tank. Regular septic tank inspections allow these to last for longer periods of time.
- Inspecting the operational level of sewage. An overly full tank cannot keep processing waste properly. If you your tank is too full, we will recommend pumping.
- Locating key components. We will locate the chamber of the pump, CK pump, alarm operation, and float and check if all these parts are operating properly.
In order to ensure that your septic tank inspection runs smoothly, it is helpful if you can share any documentation you have about your septic system, remove anything that might make it difficult for us to access the septic tank, and share any information you can with us about areas where you have noticed problems. From here, we can perform the septic tank inspection and consult with you regarding a plan of action moving forward.
If you need a septic tank inspection, give us a call today! We will consult with you over the phone regarding issues that you have seen and advise steps moving forward.